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Horus" This is where esotericism parts company with those teachings that stick to
scientific hermeneutics. Going to the pains to insist that occultism is a dead issue in
this day of scientific descriptions does not obviate the fact that scientific terminology
does not serve as mantra for hidden powers. To say, as we do today, that the Sun
is a ball of fire, or an atomic body, has cut us off from the intimate contact the
American Indian has with The Great Spirit.
We can depict the layers of the Collective Unconscious as rock strata in the
earth, as Jolande Jacobi has done in her book on Jung s Psychology, with persons
being little hills rising above the plain of the collective. If we cover the plain with
water, the persons become islands which are apparently separate, but in reality are
connected below by common strata of rock (the collective). The water level is the
boundary between conscious and unconscious. Everything below water is
"unconscious," some of it personal, some of it collective. We all seem to be little
islands, separate and distinct, wandering around and talking to each other across
the waves, arguing about war and property rights and high taxes. Yet we are
connected below, and at some level (in the basic clay of life) we are all One, for
good or ill.
Generally speaking, however, the Collective Unconscious is equivalent to the
Astral World. In Qabalistic terms the Astral World is the world of Yetzirah, the world
of Formation. Depending on whom you are talking to, the Astral World is a place of
spirits (good and/or evil spirits), of fantasmal images or absolute truth, the
residence of the souls of the dead and of the unborn. All the gods of Greece and
Egypt live there, along with all the long-dead gods of civilizations we know not of.
To a Spiritualist, his dead Uncle Joe lives there. To Jung, all that Uncle Joe said
and thought and desired resides in the Collective Unconscious as a memory
bundle, together with all that anyone ever thought about Uncle Joe. Furthermore,
this Uncle Joe lump is autonomous, according to Jung. That is, it has a life and a
will of its own, independent of me or you. The Spiritualist would say that his Uncle
Joe is independent of me or you, too, so, while Jung and the Spiritualist differ on
this, still there isn t all that much difference to be able to argue about it. Either
opinion, at any rate, is opposed to personal psychology, where Uncle Joe exists
only as a memory in my personal unconscious or in yours, and when I die, my
memory of him dies.
But in the concept of the Collective Unconscious, an archetype lives as a unit,
autonomously, Dr. Jung referred to this aspect by calling the Collective
Unconscious the objective unconscious, or the objective psyche. As objective
psyche it would have to be equated as well with the over-soul of the human race,
but if Jung had this in mind he did not make it clear. Being objective to the personal
unconscious or psyche, and autonomous, anything within the Collective
Unconscious functions beyond my will, just as the world around me, the weather,
human beings, etc., function without my consent, and may have an effect on me
without my consent, too. All of which reminds me of the man I know who was
undergoing Freudian analysis, and one of his dreams gave his analyst quite a
problem in trying to analyze it. This man dreamed that one of his friends came up to
him in his dream and said to him, "What am I doing in your dream?" This man
awakened as soon as the dream was over, and as he had been keeping a record of
his dreams, he recorded this one and the time in his dream notebook and went
back to sleep. The next morning he phoned the friend he had dreamed about to tell
him about the dream but before he could tell him, his friend said, "Last night I
dreamed that I was in your dream and I walked up to you and said, `What am I
doing in your dream? "
Now it is things like this that show us that we had better find out whether we
know all we should know about what Jung called the Collective Unconscious. Is the
dream merely a dream, or do we have a life that we live at night when the body is
asleep? Do we dream in the personal unconscious and live in the Collective
Unconscious very much the same as we live in the waking state? At any rate, if
there is any difference at all between Dr. Jung s three layers of the mind and the
mind as viewed by the Qabalists, it is in a lack of stress made in Dr. Jung s
teachings anent the four worlds. But in reading the many references Dr. Jung
makes to the
mind in his writings, one is aware that he was not unmindful of the fact that Man,
like the Universe, is a four-fold being. But as Dr. Jung said of God, as an archetype,
he was only interested in proving that God is a "typus" in the soul of man, and not in
trying to prove that God is an objective entity, separate from Man. He was therefore
also not interested, we may assume, in trying to prove what he must certainly have
known: that the Astral World is the fourth dimension. Not that this gives it a location
outside of man s psyche, but it does show us that we can deal with it as though it
were a "place." The Yogins of the East and the good Adepts of the West, come-
and-go in that "place" (dimension) as easily as we come-and-go about our lives
here in the third dimension.
The difference, or one difference is that there is no time in the Astral World. That
is, the fourth dimension is time, and therefore there is not time within it, in the same
way that we cannot measure height (the third dimension) except by reference to the
other two dimensions ("ten feet above ground"). There is no height in height itself.
To say that the Astral World lacks time does not just mean that "travel" in that World
is instantaneous. We must remember that all frequency is measured by time ("four
hundred cycles per second"); therefore in a world where time is manipulable,
frequency itself is pliable (mutable). So sounds become colors, and colors become
smells, and atoms of one kind become atoms of another kind. A fantasmal world
indeed! A scientist who understands antimatter (and who does?) knows it exists
only because of negative time. And if there is negative time and positive time, then
there must be a point in between where there is zero-time or no-time. This zero
point is the place from which we drop a perpendicular into the fifth dimension, the
realm beyond even the Astral World. Mathematically, this is similar to a singularity
in the space-time continuum, where all dimensions meet (or disappear) at some
zero-point. This is the World of Briah on the Otz Chum, the world of the mind. If, for
example, we are in the Astral World and we think of a given place in time and
space, we find ourselves there instantly. This is one reason why the Yogins put so
much stress on learning to concentrate, to control thought, hold the mind still.
This also gives us a far better theory about where the U.F.O. s come from than
does the theory that they come from outer space. Perhaps the U.F.O. s do not [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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