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panic, and all I could do was gasp. There was no air left in my body. His dead weight had pressed it
out of my lungs and that battering down below kept me from taking a breather. The desperation made
me straggle in earnest. This wasn't a game anymore!
"Get offffff!!" I gasped, twisting my body under his and freeing my arms from his grasp. Harry must have
been too distracted by his efforts to get into my pussy because I succeeded in sliding out from under
him. But in a flash he was on top of me again and now his loins smashed his cock into me mercilessly.
"Fucking bitch!" he hissed. "You wanna play, right! Well, I'm playing, and how do you like it!" Bang,
bang, bang! His cock brutalized me, bullied my cunt into opening up a little wider, and used that
concession to drive his wedge ever deeper into me. This was nothing like the gentle fucking of Uncle
Eddie, let stand Tim's passionate lovemaking. Harry was an out-and-out brute, a latter-day King Kong!
I started to scream but no sound emerged. Nothing could stop him. I clung to his arms in despair and felt
the thick, bunched muscles ripple to deliver each stroke with all his might. Half his weapon was up me
now and my cunt was still as dry as the desert. Tears rolled from my eyes and I looked over at Veronica
to see if there wasn't anything she could do. But she was in a chair next to the bed, nursing half of her
face and looking fearful. We had invited a monster!
"Now I've got you!" he panted. His whole cock was up me and I felt like choking. It felt like a broom
handle and he kept moving it about inside me until the pain was unbearable. I tried to exclude him from
my mind, to pretend that nothing was happening. I closed my eyes, set my teeth, and thought of pastoral
scenes and childhood. Harry continued his rampage on top of me but I was temporarily oblivious to it.
The pain remained where it was caused, the world faded from my consciousness. And then, just as I
thought I'd switched him off, a new sensation crept through my defenses and disarmed me completely.
His cock slid along my cunt flesh more easily for some reason, and his weight on me seemed to be
stimulating my tits and other secret parts of me. Pleasure, pure pleasure, snuck by my mental block and
infiltrated me until I had been completely subverted. My hands didn't cling to him like those of a
drowning woman anymore, they started to explore and caress him! I hated myself for it but what could I
do? That brutal, pumping penis was making me feel hot and alive all over! Now the juices poured out of
me and lubricated my cunt so much that every back stroke sounded like a boot pulling out of the mud.
Harry noticed the difference, and how could he not with my loins banging up against his so ardently, my
nails raking the skin of his back and my teeth in his ear lobe? And as a result he started to throw his full
body weight into every stroke. "Yeah, you like it now, huh?" he panted. "Fucking slut! Go on, spread
'em, open your cunt right up, I'll fill it full of hot meat, bitch!" And I obeyed him! My legs flailed through
the air to wrap themselves about his waist, opening my cunt up so far that he had room to move about in
me. His cock stirred and thrust, changed angles, idled, flurried, and sent me around and around the bend.
I happened to glance in Veronica's direction, and she'd had a change of attitude too. Now she sat with
her legs drawn up on the chair, well-parted, and both hands at her crotch, masturbating in time to the
pounding fuck Harry dealt out to me. Knowing that she was with me gave me a terrific boost. I sailed
headfirst into a wild orgasm and then Harry made me pull my legs back until my knees were against my
shoulders, just so he could hunch over me and give me more loving. That did it! When his cock plunged
into my slurping, distended pussy from above I let go of the last of my reservations and just let him shove
me from one realm of ecstasy into the next. There was no resistance. It was as though there was no
return either. The orgasms ricocheted through my body until it was almost painful, and still his cock
drove home every long stroke. His sweat rained down on me, his grunt and pants were music to my
ears, and the uncomfortable position in which he kept me cramped only added to my bliss. My whole
body felt like a face that's laughed too much and still can't stop.
At last Harry let go of his cream and what a load it was! As it splashed against my womb's entrance we
both let out a cry of passion, his cock moved even faster, frantically galloping to the finish, all the while
squirting out powerful gusts of hot sperm. And then, gradually, he slowed down to a canter, a trot, and
then a dead stop. "Holy Jesus!" he gasped, rolling off me. "That was terrific!"
"Oh yesssss!" I sighed, snuggling up to him.
"You got some left for me?" Veronica asked. She sat on the bed next to him but her hands didn't miss a
beat. Harry didn't answer her, so she lay down and continued to jerk off in her own expert way. I
watched lazily from behind Harry's heaving chest. Her fingers played her pussy like it was a guitar,
rubbing, rotating, penetrating, rubbing it some more, but no matter how well she did herself she didn't
seem able to get off the ground. Now and then she'd lift off a little way, jerking her loins up and down,
breathing harder, fingering intensely, but the moment would pass and she would taxi on. I began to feel
sorry for her. My body hummed like a newly tuned engine, whereas her motor ran on half the pistons.
Couldn't Harry do something about this?
I asked him. Harry opened his eyes, blinked, and looked around to see what my cousin was doing. "Oh
Christ, look at that," he said to no one in particular. "You're really a slut, Veronica. Girls aren't supposed
to do that!"
"Put out or shut up!" Veronica said through clenched teeth.
"You see what I mean?" Harry looked at me with indignation. "She's bad through and through. What she
needs is a good lesson!"
"Yes, that's what I need. Are you going to give it to me?"
Harry was a ponderous fellow, not too bright, but bright enough to know the rules of the game. He
threw me a slow wink and turned over on his side to face Veronica. His hands removed her hands and
in place of her slender fingers he started to apply his own stubby, strong digits. The change in her
behavior was startling. The moment his fingers slipped into her pussy her body arched tautly and she
started to puff and wheeze as though she was in the middle of being fucked by a duet of dicks! Her
enthusiasm infected Harry. That thick cable of cock reclining on his thigh sprang to life, wavering briefly
before standing up like a cobra to a fakir's fife. "Suck it," he said curtly, and Veronica hurried to do his
bidding. But in the same motion she twisted her body around so her pussy was within biting distance of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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