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spurting between them.
He rocked back and forth until David s body finished spasming, and he went limp and boneless
beneath Ash s body.
Ash could only watch the way his chest rose and fell with each breath he took. David s stomach
was flat, but he had nice definition in his pecs, and his nipples were a dark shade of pink from the sex
and sucking Ash had been doing.
He wanted to put his tongue on them again. He wanted to lick and kiss up David s thighs, and he
wanted to taste the man s cum.
In fact, he was going to do that right now.
David s eyes opened wide when Ash s finger swirled into the pearly white fluid that was on his
stomach, and they went so wide that he could see the whites all around those pretty blues when he put
his finger inside of his mouth and licked it away.
David certainly tasted different. Not sour and salty like he d expected, but there were no words
for it, and Ash s body was buzzing, and his cock filled and hardened again while he was still inside
of his lover.
 That was...really hot, David said.
Ash gave an experimental thrust of his hips, and his eyes sank to half mast at the pleasure that
rushed through him.  Is it always going to be like this? Because you re my mate?
He wasn t sure if David would know exactly what he was referring to, but then he smiled
answered, apparently understanding just fine.  I hope so. Want to put those cuffs on me now? It felt
really good when you were holding down my wrists.
Holy hell, yes. Ash had nearly forgotten about the things.
He reached his arm down, blindly searching until his fingers wrapped around the leather and the
softer material of the blindfold.
 Want me to put this on you, too? he asked, holding up the blindfold with the same finger he d
sucked David s cum off of.
 I I think I do. Want you to put it on me, that is.
Ash smiled and wrapped the material around David s eyes. The smaller man breathed a heavy
sigh through his mouth when his eyes were completely covered, but the way his pink lips pulled up in
a smile told Ash that his mate was still comfortable.
 I m going to put the cuffs on you now, Ash said.  I won t cuff your hands to the bed, though,
because I think it would be a little too awkward to hold myself up and put these on you way up there
at the same time.
David s snicker was a wonderful sound, and he held his hands together and presented them to
Ash.  Agreed.
Ash put each cuff on one at a time, until David s hands were properly bound without the leather
being too tight.
 You look so fucking sexy like this, Ash said, looking down at his work and then feeling a buzz
of energy and pleasure rush through him when David put his bound hands around his neck, holding
Ash even closer.
 Fuck me. Do whatever you want to me, David said, his voice husky and low as his ankles
moved up and hooked around Ash s thighs.
The wish of his mate was Ash s command.
Chapter Six
David and Ash slept together every night. Eventually David had to get permission to go into
town and visit the sex store just so he and Ash could buy their own supplies for when they were
together, because he was pretty sure that Josh and Taylor wanted their leather cuffs and blindfold
When David walked into the store, Ash following closely behind him to protect him against any
possible attack from a rival alpha, they could both smell very clearly that the man behind the counter
was not a shifter.
While David went off to look at all the items that were hanging on their hooks, or lined up on
racks, he overheard his mate asking what had happened to the other man.
 Always showing up late, yadda yadda yadda, wanted a raise way too early, had an attitude,
yadda, yadda, yadda.
David could hardly pay attention to either man since he was too busy blushing at the sight of all
the huge dildos and vibrators, not to mention all the books on BDSM.
He picked one up and flipped through it. BDSM for beginners.
Not that he and Ash needed the help to get each other off, but David discovered that when he
was with Ash, he bloomed, so to speak. He d almost forgotten that sex could be fun and adventurous,
which was why he insisted on getting the man naked as often as he possibly could and tying him up, or
letting Ash tie him down.
He was definitely getting this book and that pair of leather cuffs over there. It looked like a near
match from the pair that Taylor had lent them two weeks ago when they first slept together.
It was like all of David s fear and shyness had finally left him after he d gone into Ash s room
that night. Which was a good thing.
He turned to look over at the bear shifter. He was talking about a possible job now that the
owner of the shop no longer had any help.
Ash didn t have any tattoos or piercings on him, but his size alone was enough to make David
think that he would do well in a place like this. He certainly wouldn t be harassed by the locals, and
if a rival alpha from a different pack happened to walk in here, then his size would also probably
prevent a fight.
No one wanted to go toe to toe with a bear shifter, after all. David had gone out running with the
man once when they were both in animal form, about a week ago, and he would be pissing himself if
he was ever on the wrong end of an angry animal as big as Ash was.
David grabbed the book, the cuffs, a blindfold, and also something that looked like a feather
duster, but was clearly designed for teasing, as well as a cock ring with an attached vibrator.
Okay, he really had to bring this stuff up to the counter and pay now before he ended up buying
out the store and spending the last of his money.
He needed to find a job now, too.
Ash raised a dark brow at the sight of everything David brought up, and it was clear he was
trying not to smile.
 Shut up, David said, nudging him.
Ash raised his big hands.  I didn t say a word.
No, but he was thinking it. David could tell that much just by the sudden smell of musk that was
in the air.
Thankfully David s truck was able to be saved, though one of the back windows was shattered,
and the top was scraped to hell. It looked even crappier than normal, but through some miracle, it still
ran well enough and was apparently not a danger to drive in.
One more truck in the pack was always a good thing, and David knew that the second he and
Ash got inside of the thing, Ash would be pulling him into the backseat and David would be getting it.
He wanted it.
They left the store together, and David looked down the street of the highway town with some
There was a restaurant attached to a motel, a coffee shop, and even a big rundown building that
looked like a barn that had Highway Bookstore painted in big yellow letters on the side.
David was willing to bet it was also painted on the front.
There was a thrift shop as well, and another restaurant called Zack s Diner. The parking lot of
that place was pretty full, and David was willing to bet all the customers came from the commute to
the city.
 Do you want to walk around? Ash asked, as accommodating as always.
 Yeah, but... David trailed off, thinking about how his wallet was dying from not being fed a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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