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Flinx responded after Yakus had finished, "and then we'll leave. We'll be
heading south toward
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Foster, Alan Dean - Commonwealth 16 - Flinx - Snakes Eyes (SS) (v1.0)
"Itt shall be so," the bird-creature answered.
"What about dryzam?" asked Yakus as the two muccax were packed for departure.
"She has to remain," Flinx said. "I wouldn't think she could travel
immediately after giving birth."
Yakus looked at him shrewdly. "You've got another reason, haven't you, though
I can't figure it."
"They won't kill it," Flinx insisted. "The dryzam and her young represent a
source of meat; besides, the dryzam's a valuable beast of burden. They'll want
her to carry out the hallowseyes they mine. Speaking of which, I'm betting
they'll be too involved with the gems to worry about much else."
"This'd better work, boy."
Savaya's gaze traveled from man to boy. "You're both mad, but I haven't any
choice now. I have to go with you."
From a hidden place off to the south, the five anxious attackers waited as a
pair of muccax shapes moved toward them.
"Here they come."
"Yeah," said Michelos with relish. As the footsteps came closer he and his
companion readied themselves.
When it sounded as if the two muccax were directly abreast of them, the five
jumped from their various places of concealment. Pimbab and his friends
watched as the two humans fired.
Two muccax died, beamed instantly. That was all.
"They're not here." Frantically Michelos searched around the two corpses.
"They're not here!"
Flinx, Yakus, and Savaya, their backs heavy with food and water, were running
across the dry riverbed.
They'd waited until the five figures had crossed to the south of the mine
before starting their sprint in the opposite direction.
"Lousy bastards," rumbled Yakus, panting under his load.
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"I told you they wouldn't risk letting-you get away. Much easier to kill you."
She threw Flinx a venomous glance. "What about that wonderful oath you had
that lead bird swear to?"
"I'm sure," Flinx replied, "he took no part in the shooting. His oath bound
only him and his companions." He looked sad. "I hated to sacrifice the muccax,
but it was the only way I could be sure we'd get out safely. First I had to
convince them that we were convinced they would let us go. That was the
purpose of the oath."
"I wish I knew what you had in mind, Flinx." Yakus was starting to scramble up
the bank, at the place where the dryzam had partly crumbled it. "We're not
going far on foot. And they've got the mine. They can hold it and send others
after us."
"Why should they, Knigta? Like you said, we're not going far on foot. They
know that. They'll trust the desert to kill us, and reasonably so. Besides, I
don't think any of them trust the others enough to split up: to chase us. No,
they'll leave us alone now, and we can wait in safety."
"Wait for what?"
Savaya demanded to know. But Flinx ignored her as he started up the bank.
Michelos continued to rage until Wuwit said with calm authority. "Shut up,
Mick." He turned to the watching Pimbab. "Tricked us."
"Itt does nott matter," insisted the tall, imperturbable ornithorpe. "Whee
have gained possession of the mine, and their animals are dead. Tthey cannott
walkk outt of tthe desertt, nor can tthey attackk us, as whee outtnumber
tthem. Tthe sand whill beccome partt of ttheir bodies. Whee need only kkeep
alertt while whee mine tthe ccrysttals."
"The crystals," Michelos said, his attention shifting abruptly.
"Yes." Pimbab also turned to look back in the direction of the mine. "I
tthinkk itt is ttime whee ttookk a lookk att tthem."
Flinx squinted across the riverbed from his position atop the pile of columnar
boulders once held by
Pimbab and his companions. "There they are... two of them, anyway." He could
see one ornithorpe and a human resting on the parapet of talus fronting the
mine. "Keeping watch."
"They know we're liable to hang around," muttered Yakus. "I'm sure the rest of
them are in back, chipping away at my crystals."
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"Our crystals," Flinx corrected quietly.
"We can't wait here forever," Yakus pointed out.
"Give me a couple of days." Flinx had raised his gaze. "If what I'm expecting
doesn't happen, we'll think of something else."
They waited, conserving water, all that searing day and night, and through the
next day. Flinx remained expressionless, didn't comment on the blatant way
Sa-vaya coddled Yakus. The prospector was obviously pleased by the woman's
attention and made no attempt to ward her off. On the contrary, he welcomed
her advances.
Flinx was very good at minding his own business. If the old man hadn't learned
enough by now to know when... He shrugged silently. He had more important
things to worry about. He was beginning to be concerned by the absence of the
activity he'd anticipated. Suppose he was wrong in his feelings? In that case
he'd placed them in a tough position.
He wouldn't blame Yakus for never forgiving him.
Flinx was a light sleeper. So was Yakus. They woke simultaneously that night.
"Did you hear it?" Flinx strained at the darkness.
Yakus was looking around curiously. He confessed, "I thought I heard
something, boy."
"What was it like? A sort of buzzing or whirring sound?"
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Yakus nodded slowly. "Maybe."
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